The Temple: A Reptilian Alien Trilogy

The Temple: A Reptilian Alien Trilogy

The Temple starts at the emergency room. A young girl is brought in by paramedics after someone reported she was wandering around a freeway alone. A nurse examines the girl and finds needle marks on her skin. The nurse suspects someone has drugged the girl. The nurse asks the girl’s name, and the girl tells her that her name is Karen.

After the nurse leaves Karen alone in her room, a lab technician comes to draw blood from Karen. But, just as the lab tech inserts the needle in her arm, Karen kicks him in the stomach with such force, that she sends him crashing through the window and several stories down to his death.

Moments later, a helicopter arrives. Out of it comes Air Force colonel Nathan Preston and an entourage of MPs with tranquilizer guns. They subdue Karen and take her to an Air Force base. There, they run tests on her and find that, besides having superhuman strength, Karen also has telekinetic powers.

Years pass, and now Karen is in her twenties. She has mysteriously lost her powers. Nathan Preston has adopted her as his daughter, and now she is an Air Force captain. She is stationed at a joint military base in the jungles of Colombia. Karen and her Black Ops team are cracking down on the local guerrillas, trying to capture an infamous hacktivist known in Colombia as El Libertador, the liberator. His name is Caesar, and he’s been able to hack into military bases and US government offices to steal classified documents.

After a failed attempt to capture Caesar, Karen confiscates a set of blueprints that she found in the shack where El Libertador supposedly resides. Back on the base, Karen talks to her Chief Master Sergeant about the blueprints. She also tells the chief that she’s worried about her adoptive dad, Colonel Preston, who called her earlier and told her he was in Salt Lake City. Suddenly, the news breaks that there’s been a mysterious explosion in the Mormon Temple.

Karen immediately sets out on a journey to look for the only father she knows and discovers that the explosion came from the underground tunnels below the temple. Join Karen on her adventure as she descends deep down into the tunnels and encounters reptilian creatures that are out to capture her. Can she find her father before the creatures get their hands on her?

Click here to buy The Temple on paperback or Kindle. You can also read for free if you have Kindle Unlimited.

A Reptilian Alien
Glorianna Arias is the editor in chief of Mundo Latino Publications. She was born and raised in San Jose, Costa Rica and has lived in Southern California since 1989. In 2000, her English honors thesis received the first prize in the Robert apRoberts Competition at Cal State University, Northridge. The title of the thesis is “A Study of the Gothic in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.” In January 2012, Glorianna published an article on under the pen name Lady Sybilla, and it was featured on Google News. Actor Ian Somerhalder tweeted a link to it, saying it was “hilarious.” Glorianna has previously published one other book on Amazon, and it is a scifi screenplay entitled The Temple: A Reptilian Alien Trilogy (Mundo Latino Publications, 2014). She currently has a blog called The Hollywood Formula, in which she discusses Joseph Campbell and the storytelling model he developed, known as the hero’s journey. Presently, Glorianna is working on an entry for an anthology entitled My First Love, which will be published on Amazon. Glorianna Arias es la jefe de la editorial Mundo Latino. Nació y creció en San José, Costa Rica y ha vivido en el sur de California desde 1989. En 2000, su tesis con honores en inglés recibió el primer premio en el Concurso Robert apRoberts en la Universidad Estatal de California, Northridge. El título de la tesis es "Un estudio del gótico en el Frankenstein de Mary Shelley". En enero de 2012, Glorianna publicó un artículo en bajo el seudónimo de Lady Sybilla y apareció en Google News. El actor Ian Somerhalder tuiteó un enlace y dijo que era "divertidísimo". Glorianna ha publicado anteriormente otro libro en Amazon, y se trata de un guión de ciencia ficción titulado The Temple: A Reptilian Alien Trilogy (Editorial Mundo Latino, 2014). Actualmente tiene un blog llamado The Hollywood Formula, en el que habla de Joseph Campbell y el modelo de narración que desarrolló, conocido como el viaje del héroe. Actualmente, Glorianna está trabajando en una entrada para una antología titulada My First Love, que se publicará en Amazon.

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