Be a Winner Don't Be a Loser

Be a Winner Don’t Be a Loser

The author of this book is Braulio Cabello, a creative eight-year-old who found inspiration in his father, Marcelo Cabello, a real estate investor.
       Witnessing his father’s achievements and hearing stories of renowned entrepreneurs, Braulio felt compelled to create something of his own.
       With the guidance and support of his father, he embarked on a journey to write his very first book, titled Be a Winner Don’t Be a Loser.
       Published with pride in June 2023, Braulio’s book reflects his eagerness to absorb the wisdom of famous entrepreneurs who have left an indelible mark on the realm of finances.
       Braulio’s father, acting as a mentor, helped him understand the principles and strategies employed by these successful individuals, allowing him to distill their insights into a book accessible to readers of all ages.
       Through this project, Braulio has developed a deep understanding of the lessons that shaped the financial landscape.
       With each page, Braulio dives into the world of these accomplished men and women, absorbing their stories and gleaning valuable insights about money, success, and making a difference.

       One story that particularly resonates with Braulio is that of a renowned business leader who overcame numerous obstacles on his path to success.

       Despite facing failures and setbacks, this individual persisted with unwavering determination, never losing sight of his vision.

       Braulio learns that resilience and perseverance are crucial qualities in the pursuit of success.

       He takes this lesson to heart, realizing that setbacks are not roadblocks but rather opportunities for growth and learning
       Braulio Cabello’s debut book, Be a Winner Don’t Be a Loser, stands as a testimony of his determination, creativity, and eagerness to learn.
       Through the support of his father, Braulio showcases his budding talent as an author, while simultaneously immersing himself in the valuable lessons of renowned entrepreneurs.

Author: adminSonia
Sonia B. F. Arias es la directora ejecutiva de Mundo Latino Publications. Graduada de la California State University of Bakersfield en CRJU/Pysch Profesora retirada en el estado de California Ha escrito 40 libros de los cuales veinte son para niños y veinte para adultos. Arias ha escrito sobre diferentes géneros y hoy día se dedica a su Editorial Mundo Latino Publications donde presta sus servicios como editora y publicista de los libros de sus clientes.

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